Saturday, April 1, 2023



April Fool’s Day, also called All Fool’s Day, is celebrated annually by different cultures around the world on April 1st. While the celebration may be different for each culture, the common theme includes playing hoaxes or practical jokes on others, often yelling “April Fools!” afterward to signify the April Fool’s Day prank.

I never really thought about how April Fool’s Day came into existence until I began researching it for this blog. The origins of April Fool’s Day remain a mystery, but many theories exist.

Some theories say it dates back to the 1500s in various countries where people were told about different events happening and they would travel to see the event, but it didn’t exist. This was known as a “fool’s errand.”

Others believe April Fool’s Day occurred when France switched from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar in the 16th century. The Julian calendar began in March celebrating the spring equinox until April 1. When they switched, the new year began on January 1st. Many people were not informed of the change right away due to the slow travel of news during that time. Some people were not willing to change the celebration of the new year. Those who continued to celebrate on April 1st were often ridiculed and the subject of pranks and jokes.

A biblical theory suggests April Fool’s Day originated when the biblical character Noah is said to have mistakenly sent a dove out on April 1 to find dry land before the waters subsided. Whatever the origin, it seems that April Fool’s Day may have been around for centuries. Perhaps it is human nature for some people to enjoy playing jokes on others. Some pranks are as simple as placing notes on friends' backs saying “kick me” or other phrases. Some are elaborately planned for months and executed with precision.

Companies have reportedly placed ads that were pranks over the years. With our current state of technology, pranking is now done on social media sites and via text messages.

Some people prank each other any chance they get, whether on April Fool’s Day or any other day of the year.

I remember one year when I was about twelve years old, my brother set our sister’s alarm clock ahead three hours so when her alarm went off, she got up, showered, dressed, and was ready for school by 5:00 AM. She wondered why it was still dark outside. She came into my bedroom and woke me up saying I was going to be late for school. I looked at my clock and asked her what she was talking about and showed her it was only 5:00 in the morning. She went and checked her clock and realized her clock time had been set ahead. We heard our brother laughing in his room. He opened his door and said April Fools! We all laughed but she got him back though. That night when he fell asleep, she put a lot of toothpaste on his pillow so when he turned in his sleep it got all over his face!

We have all heard of pranks people do on people or have done them themselves. Some are harmless, while others are not. I remember the popular prank in high school was to pull the chair out when someone was going to sit down so they would fall on the floor. One time a classmate decided to do this to another student, and the student ended up injuring her tailbone and was out of school for a couple of weeks.         Needless to say, the prankster was suspended from school for a week.

Another prank I heard about was a manager in a meeting with other managers and senior personnel when he stood up and announced he was quitting because he couldn’t take the pressure of the work any longer. Everyone around the room was shocked and stared at him. After a few minutes, he sat down and yelled “April Fool’s!” He almost lost his job over this prank.

Sometimes I can be my own prankster or fool myself when I write. At times I read what I write and think this is really great, but when I start editing I ask myself, “What were you thinking when you wrote this?” Other times I think “this is awful,” but when others read my work, they say it is really good. I have learned to stop pranking myself and just keep writing and editing.

Have you heard of any great pranks? What pranks have you been on the receiving end of or have done to someone?


Links to April Fool's Day information and pranks:


Kim Thorn said...

Great post Sheryl! I guess I never thought about the origins of April Fools so it was very interesting to read! For me Aprils Fools day always reminds me of my mama! She loved all the holidays equally especially Aprils Fools day! As a matter of fact all of my siblings and I were all born around the holidays! For Aprils Fools day She loved playing pranks on al of us. My daughter and I continue to do so in her honor! I always remember my mom tellling me an April fools pranks she tried to pull on my dad by hiding behind the door when he was coming home from work to scare him. But instead as she waited for him, she started going. Into labor with one of my sisters! Thanks for the sweet reminder about today and how special it is to me and my family, Sheryl!

Sheryl Jordan said...

I enjoyed reading your memories and love that you were all born around the holidays. It's great how you all have fun pranking each other in honor of your mother. I love how your mom when into labor while trying to prank your dad. I hope she made it to the hospital safe and sound! Happy April Fools Day!

Michael Rigg said...

I remember a TV news report on April 1st many years ago (I think I was a teenager) about pickers getting ready to harvest this year's pickle crop from an orchard of pickle trees. It would be, we were told, a bumper crop. No foolin'. Don't believe me? Here's a story about various April 1st news-story pranks, including the pickle tree:

It might not be as good as the Italian Spaghetti Tree, but that was before my time...

Sheryl Jordan said...

Thanks for the comment, Michael. I've never heard of the pickle crop prank or the Italian Spaghetti Tree! Thanks for sharing the article and enlightening me!

Max Jason Peterson said...

Very interesting about the origins! That isn't something I've thought to research before. When I was young, my siblings and I would often pull pranks on each other -- regardless of if it were April Fool's Day! My brothers, especially, would have a field day pranking the rest of us. The shenanigans were endless!

Sheryl Jordan said...

Thanks for the comment, Max. I hadn't thought about it before either. I'm glad you found it interesting! Pranking siblings is fun and creates memories to last a lifetime for the prankster and the prankee!


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