Showing posts with label Sweet Days of Summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sweet Days of Summer. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2024


Summer is just around the corner, and everyone is getting ready for some fun in the sun! There is a lot to do in the beautiful summer months. Some people will take vacations they have planned months before, while others will travel spontaneously to their destinations. Staycations are also popular choices; experiencing local outings can be a fantastic way to spend summer days.

Summer, oh, how it stirs up nostalgia in me! It is one of my favorite seasons, a time when I find myself reminiscing about summers gone by. The fun-filled days and the not-so-perfect moments—all of them are etched in my memory as wonderful experiences. From family vacations, driving to different states to visit family and friends, going to amusement parks to the bee/wasp stings I endured while playing outside, going on fishing and camping trips, to baseball games where I once sat on a red ant’s nest.

My fondest memories are the Fourth of July celebrations. As I write this, the smells and booms of fireworks shooting up in the sky, bursting to show their bright colors of red, green, blue, and orange, are vivid. It was my highlight of summer, followed four days later by my birthday celebrations.

In recent years, I traveled to various cities during the summer. This summer, I decided not to travel but to do a staycation to relax and unwind. We will attend Juneteenth and 4th of July celebrations, watching fireworks and joining in the festivities. Some of my family will visit in July for my birthday. I look forward to spending time with them and creating new memories. I also look forward to cookouts and going to the Virginia Beach Ocean Front, Williamsburg, and Bush Gardens.

In my writer’s life, I am going to complete the first two books of a mystery series. To do so, I am setting up interviews with professional female truck drivers. Who knows, I may even be able to go on the road for research with one of them. Now, that would be an adventure! I will also finish building my author’s website and participate in many book signings. An anthology I am a contributing author in will be released soon, so I will be participating in a launch party and promotional book signings.

On the not-so-busy days this summer, I am looking forward to reading, binge-watching movies, and television shows, and just enjoying the dog days of summer.

What are some of your most memorable summers? What plans do you have for this summer?

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