Saturday, August 19, 2023



I keep putting off building up my author’s website. Recently, I decided I need to get it fully up and running soon. I have my domain and have had it for several years. I added ‘stuff’ to it years ago but haven’t kept it up to date. I didn’t like it and made some changes, but it still isn’t where I want and need it to be. So, I just let it sit dormant (I know this is terrible for a writer to do). I obviously have no experience in creating a website, so I started researching how to create a fabulous website that is user-friendly and fully functional as well as showing who I am and what I do.

My searches found that most people who expressed their viewpoint on this said yes, it is a must. Some felt it isn’t necessary, while some said it depends. There is a lot of information in support of authors having a website and the importance of having a website. It doesn’t matter what genre you write, whether you are a non-fiction or fiction writer, a freelance writer, published or unpublished. If you write, you need a website!

Why is having a website so important?

There are many benefits to having a website., “A website is your primary piece of real estate on the internet,” Robert Lee Brewer says.

Having an author’s website allows authors to establish themselves as professional writers. It’s a means of branding themselves and their work. A critical aspect of an author’s brand is how people perceive their works' value and relevance. It distinguishes themselves from other writers in the same genre or field.

Authors control what messaging is on their website. One of the greatest rewards is to tell their story or writing journey and to control what is said about them and their work honestly and in their own words. It provides a way to connect with readers on a deeper level. This is a great way for readers and publishers to get a real feel of who the author is as a person as well as a writer. Authors can direct people to their social media profiles from the website. This is a great way to have readers follow you and get to know more about you and your interests.

Websites provide a way to attract new readers and potential new customers. Authors are able post their book covers and what their books are about on your website to spark interest from readers. They can also include a sales page where they provide links to booksellers or have their own sales links so readers can buy from them directly, thereby driving up sales and increasing their profit.

Websites allow writers to display their talent through blog pages. The author can post excerpts of their works, poems, thoughts on things they find interesting, their writing process, a story about something they experienced, etc. If an author posts a powerful excerpt from their book, it may entice readers to purchase or pre-order the book.

These are only a few reasons why websites are essential for writers to have. I’ve been told publishers look for authors' websites and social media platforms when deciding if they are interested in signing the author with their company. YIKES, I better get going on mine!

Elements of an Author’s Website

Now we know the importance of having a website, here are some essential elements of a writer’s website which will make a good first impression.

Author Bio: Include a short and long bio. The long bio should be on the About the Author Page. It should be in-depth and personal for readers. The short bio should be on the home page with a “See More” link to the “About the Author Page”. This should be short and written in the third person.

Contact Information: Make it easy for readers and publishers to contact the author. This is done by adding a “contact info” tab on the home page. It should include preferred methods of contact information and multiple ways to contact the author.

Social Media: Always include links to all the author’s social media platform information.

Book Page: Some say there should be a separate page for each of the author's books while others say all books can be on the same page. Either way, include a description of each book and links for readers to purchase. A “Books” tab can be added to the home page.

A Blog: I read in my research that websites that have a blog page generate about 55% more traffic than websites without a blog page. So, I guess I need to add a blog page to my website! A Blog also keeps the website fresh by adding more pages each time a new blog is posted.

Events/Calendar: Readers want to know what authors are doing. Where, what, and when authors are attending events, having book signings, new book releases, etc. An events page provides all this information.

Other information: A website should be easy to navigate, large font for easy reading, and colors that are easy to read. Keep all action items the same color. This will let the reader know you want them to perform an action. People should be able to get to any part of your website easily with a few clicks.

Getting Started 

Next, is how to start creating your author's website. There are various paths you can take. You can choose a website designer to build your website or DIY (Do-it-Yourself) platform. Prices vary by designer and how elaborate you want your website. If you don’t want to (or can’t) spend a lot of money on a professional website designer, you can create your own website. There are several DIY website builders available. These also vary in cost and functionality.

Whichever path you choose to take, you will need to purchase a domain name. A domain name is a unique and easy-to-remember address used to access websites. Choose a name that reflects you and your website content. Ensure to register your domain name on a registrar. This will ensure the name isn’t already being used and that it is available for you to use.

Next, you will need to determine which domain builder you want to use based on the functionality you want the website to have. There are several different website builders to choose from, such as WordPress, GoDaddy, Squarespace, and Wix, to name a few. You will want to look at the software the builder utilizes that will best meet your website needs. The free builder sites typically don’t allow you to connect to your own domain. Also, the company’s ads will be on each webpage.

Now you can begin building your website. It seems adding content to your home page is a good place to begin. Play around with different designs which are attractive to readers but represent you and your works, be colorful but not overbearing, and create different pages (be consistent with colors used on your home page or use colors that compliment your home page).

After researching website building, I am excited to work on my website again, something I’ve been dreading doing.

If you have no idea what you want your website to look like, there are templates offered online. I prefer to look at other people’s websites to get ideas. I also google best author websites to see what sets them apart from others. Keep in mind your website should be professional and reflect who you are.

Do you have a website? If so, did you design and build it yourself or hire a website designer/builder? Please share your experience! What have you found most appealing or unappealing in author websites you have visited?


Author Websites:


Teresa Inge said...

Great article! I built my first website then maintained it for years. Later at a writers’ conference, an author friend mentioned she had used a professional web designer to build her site. I then began looking at author websites and hired a designer. Now I maintain the site with a more professional look and feel. Love this article. Very informative! Thanks!

Sheryl Jordan said...

Thank you, Teresa! It's great to hear you have a website you like and can maintain yourself. I will try to build my website more; if that doesn't work, I will have to go with a designer. I love your website by the way!

Shennelle said...

It’s a really great article. It goes into so much details. It explains how your website needs to look like. It will definitely benefits for people that just getting started and trying to get their books out and sale . Great job mom

Sheryl Jordan said...

Thank you Shennelle! I'm glad you liked the blog!

Yvonne Saxon said...

This is something I’m still working on. Thanks for the info!

Sheryl Jordan said...

You're welcome, Yvonne! I look forward to visiting your website when it's built out.


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