Saturday, March 2, 2024


Recently, my book club selected the book, Eyes of a Monster, by Ron Peterson, Jr, for discussion at our monthly meeting and we had probably the biggest group we've had in years. It was standing room only until we brought in extra chairs. At the end, nobody wanted to leave. What sparked such enthusiasm? One of our members suggested a book, a murder mystery, that was actually set in our neighborhood. We chose it for our next meeting. And, oh yes,  it was a true story. Only three names were changed and I think that was because the people referred to were minors at the time of the murder. It's exciting to see the names of people you actually know in a published book.

We all felt intimately connected to the story even though the murder itself occurred 43 years ago and none of us were directly connected to it, but almost all of us knew several people who were mentioned because ours is a close-knit community. Plus, we knew the streets and buildings, because we had driven these same streets on our way to the meeting. 

Saturday, February 24, 2024

UPDATE: COASTAL CRIMES, VOLUME II By the Sand in Our Shorts Gang

We're inching ever closer! Coastal Crimes, Volume II: Death Takes a Vacation is more than just a vision at this point. We've gathered submissions and are completing our internal review and making edits. Soon, we'll ship the manuscript off to Wildside Press, for another round of edits and formatting changes. This are exciting times as we approach the home stretch for our anticipated late winter/early spring 2024 release date.   

True to our by-the-sea vibe, this next anthology features short stories by some of your favorite local authors, centered around a common theme: mysterious deaths involving a vacation destination in the Coastal Plain of Virginia or North Carolina east of Interstate-95. 

So, for those tourists among you who come here to enjoy a respite from the hustle and bustle of your ordinary lives? BEWARE! And for locals? Maybe it's time to call a moving company...  

More details to follow, including a cover reveal, when the time is right. Stay tuned!      

Saturday, February 17, 2024


Storytelling likely existed well before recorded history, but the traditional mystery genre is actually quite new compared to some of the earliest stories. Homer’s Illiad and the Odyssey, for example, are generally dated in the late 8th to early 7th century BC.  Written in verse, these poems detailed the exploits of all the heroes and heroines, kings and queens, gods and goddesses in the Trojan war, and later King Odysseus’s travels home from the war.

Rarely were stories told or written about the common or everyday folk. Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales were one exception, but they were not written until the 14th century. Even the few Shakespearean tales of the seemingly ordinary folk like Prospero or Sly included kings, dukes or other noblemen and women. The infamous bards of the Middle Ages dabbled in local lore and legends, but still told of larger-than-life figures who were well known by their audiences. Robin Hood, William Tell, and the Pied Piper came to mind. Those storytellers were also well-versed in the local gossip and scandals of the Royal Court of the day, as well as tales of the heroes in myths and legends such as Hercules or King Arthur. Interest in folklore, tales about the common people, didn’t begin until the late 1700s in Europe, and then later bloomed when the Brothers Grimm published their fairy tales in 1812.

Saturday, February 10, 2024


Krewe of ALLA Parade 2023
I write short stories and novels set in two disparate locations: Virginia (mostly Hampton Roads) and New Orleans. I live in Virginia Beach, so local research in/around Hampton Roads is relatively easy. But New Orleans? While the Internet’s great, there’s nothing like visiting the proverbial “scene of the crime.” Computer-based research gives you a one-dimensional view; you can read about events, look at maps, and view photos and videos. New Orleans is not a one-dimensional place. The Big Easy involves all five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. And there’s only one way to experience the mix—be there.

Saturday, February 3, 2024


Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe

Today I want to begin talking about a particular passion of mine—art for art’s sake. In this series, I’ll delve into two forms of creativity that I deeply love, which provide great joy, meaning, and value for their creators and audience (and in my own life): poetry and fanworks. Though some creatives involved in these art forms may well be professional writers, I’m classifying these particular types of creations as art for art’s sake because they are typically not associated with providing a living wage by themselves. They can indeed lead to other opportunities, help the writer develop necessary skills or experience the pleasure of interacting with an audience, or help to spark creativity in other areas that do lead to income. But fanworks are not compensated monetarily, by their very nature; and poetry most frequently pays relatively small amounts or in copies. Thus, those who invest their time and talents in creating poetry and fanworks—while these can sometimes be part of the career of a professional writer, artist, or teacher—are generally making these works for the love of them. The pleasure of creating these works and sharing them with the audience is in fact the primary reward.  

Saturday, January 27, 2024


Why was I breaking things? 

As I struggled to hang heavy curtains I'd sewn and lined, their fabric caught on the neck of a vintage pink vase and toppled that lovely heirloom to the floor. I froze. Four large pieces and smaller shards of irreplaceable glass lay near my feet. I wanted the pieces to jump up and put themselves back together. The vase had previously belonged to a grandmother I'd only known for four years before she died. 

Saturday, January 20, 2024



Do you ever think about what influences you or how you influence people? I have been thinking about this lately and realize how much influence is a part of life.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, influence is the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.

Merriam-Webster states influence is the power to change or affect someone or something—especially the power to cause changes without directly forcing those changes to happen. 

Mystery Authors' Pets by Catty Doggens, Guest Bloogger

  James Patterson's cat Many of our favorite mysteries include pets, and in homage to May being National Pet Month, here are some myster...